Artec 3D
Scantech 3D
Kreon 3D
Automated Solutions
Additional Scanners
collaborative robots
Geomagic Software
Artec 3D
Artec 3D
Raise 3D
PolyWorks|Reviewer™ is a free PolyWorks|Inspector™ project reviewing solution that empowers manufacturing specialists to analyze 3D measurement results and investigate dimensional issues. They can then share their dimensional analysis conclusions to provide invaluable feedback on manufactured parts and on the performance of the manufacturing process directly in 3D with customers, suppliers, and stakeholders enterprise wide.
Identify the source of dimensional issues by reviewing controlled dimensions and color maps in 3D, first-article inspection reports, multipiece statistics, and more.
Search, sort, and filter controls to highlight issues and analyze deviations by changing alignments, magnifying 3D vectors, editing color scales, and more.
Create additional dimensions and controls, 3D views, snapshots, tables, and reports. Then share the value-added inspection project with decision makers.